May 25, 2008

7 month at camp!

May 12, 2008

The unfamiliar character

I always find chinese books lacking in attractive cartoon characters. However, to my surprise, my boy has been in love with this 咕噜熊 and looking for its book all day long. What so nice about this 咕噜熊? One day, I discovered the secret - the jar. My boy told me, I am going to keep my thing like 咕噜熊. Oic...

He sees it!

Yeah! Finally boy discovered his first 2 words in this rhyme. He pointed to 大, 小 without me telling him so. Then we started looking for these two words frantically everywhere. What fun! I am glad that I showed him these 2 words first as they appear so frequently in songs/rhymes. Time to introduce more words!

May 7, 2008

The shaky hands

I never knew stacking blocks can be so hard for a kid until I got my boy to put the round rod standing at his 17th months. His hand was simply shaky. Oh! That's what blocks are for.. Hee..