Oct 17, 2008

My first walk in the park

Thank God for the good weather that I can come to west coast park on my first birthday!

1st Birthday treat




No more :)

Oct 12, 2008

Party singer

Desperate birthday boy


A friend shared with me lately that her 2 gals have learnt to co-exist. scratch scratch.. what that means? Now I come to understand when I saw how my big boy continue sticking his blocks while the small one kept pulling down. Guess he already surrendered to the brother. haha.

'bath mat' garden

See what I have on my 'bath mat' garden - straw flowers and aluminium pebbles :)

Give me some food please!

I'm so poor that I even have to make my own bowl.. hee..
How? 2 cups of flour +3/4 cup salt+3/4 water, bake at 150C, 30 min.

Sep 19, 2008

Aug 2, 2008

How I survive with 2

Since everybody ask me this question, I shall showcase my battle ground!

Pre-training for baby brother

Wow! A toddler can feed and hug a baby. But, obviously it is still not good idea after all.

Toddler designer

Indeed these have been great surprises to me. A friend who saw these pictures commented,'Perhaps you could see all these because you have not been in a hurry.' This comment has always been a booster for me whenever I feel bored/frustrated of taking care of the children at home.

May 25, 2008

May 12, 2008

The unfamiliar character

I always find chinese books lacking in attractive cartoon characters. However, to my surprise, my boy has been in love with this 咕噜熊 and looking for its book all day long. What so nice about this 咕噜熊? One day, I discovered the secret - the jar. My boy told me, I am going to keep my thing like 咕噜熊. Oic...

He sees it!

Yeah! Finally boy discovered his first 2 words in this rhyme. He pointed to 大, 小 without me telling him so. Then we started looking for these two words frantically everywhere. What fun! I am glad that I showed him these 2 words first as they appear so frequently in songs/rhymes. Time to introduce more words!

May 7, 2008

The shaky hands

I never knew stacking blocks can be so hard for a kid until I got my boy to put the round rod standing at his 17th months. His hand was simply shaky. Oh! That's what blocks are for.. Hee..

Apr 17, 2008

First 2 words

Introduced these 2 words to my boys along with the action when he was 18th months. The paper plate has been precious to him, esp when it is attached to a satay stick. A big lollipop! Then the strecthing exercise starts...

Apr 7, 2008


The first thing my son saw this rhyme books was not reading it but wearing it! Vanity! Thankfully the book comes with a VCD. After I show him the VCD, he realise the content was fun too and he started flipping the book and read it. Certainly it is his favourite now, for reading as well as an accesories.

Bored of waiting? NO!

It is really frustrating to hear my son whining when waiting for my husband in the car. Thank God that my son has learned to entertain himself with this song:
一二三四五六七, 我的爸爸在哪里?
在哪里? 在哪里?
He can sing this song n times in the car till my hubby come. Great perseverance!


Baby's tiny hand is so CUTE! I simply love to play with my baby's tiny fingers when I feed him and tell him a ryhme: