Oct 17, 2008

My first walk in the park

Thank God for the good weather that I can come to west coast park on my first birthday!

1st Birthday treat




No more :)

Oct 12, 2008

Party singer

Desperate birthday boy


A friend shared with me lately that her 2 gals have learnt to co-exist. scratch scratch.. what that means? Now I come to understand when I saw how my big boy continue sticking his blocks while the small one kept pulling down. Guess he already surrendered to the brother. haha.

'bath mat' garden

See what I have on my 'bath mat' garden - straw flowers and aluminium pebbles :)

Give me some food please!

I'm so poor that I even have to make my own bowl.. hee..
How? 2 cups of flour +3/4 cup salt+3/4 water, bake at 150C, 30 min.